Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Happy 3rd year 450D!

Its been 3 years since i've bought my first DSLR camera! And a whole lot of trial and error with a tone of reading and searching for answers.I can say that i'm still as hooked and curious as when i first started playing with a camera.

Actually the first camera i bought was in 2004, a Fuji Finepix 3100!!... 4MP with that god AWFUL digital manual zoom! At the time i just wanted to take pictures and didn't know anything about cameras. I used the Fuji for a while and took some decent pictures with it..but nothing like what i had in mind. It wasn't until a friend of mine got himself a Canon 350d(rebel) that i learned what a DSLR was. Then i sold my fuji and got a 450D in 08". And thats when i realized i had to do some homework. So i enrolled in the school of "U CAN LEARN ANYTHING ON THE INTERNETS". I took a 101 photography class at Algonquin College and was very disappointed.. Everything they taught us was basically in our cameras "user's manual".
what really got me into photography was all those skateboard magazines i used to read all the time, spending hours going thru every single page analyzing all the pictures trying to figure out how the lighting was done. Light has always amazed me, from everything you see in magazines to cinematography. Thats why you see it in most of my work and i've blended it to "My style".
Do i really have a "STYLE"... What i can say is, NO ONE is original... its all pieces from this and that mixed together to create something you can call your own. And thats exactly where i stand right now. Should i take this photography thing more serious or keep it as a hobby.
"Its easy to make money in photography but its not easy to make a living off of photography."

So with my 3 years of shooting under my belt... well 2 years actually, because i spent 1 year trying to figure out my camera/lighting techniques/ and all this photography vocabulary, I still have alot to learn and shoot!!

Heres one of the first shots i took with my "450D".. i actually lost the 2 first months of shooting with it because of a faulty harddrive.

Cheers, Eddy

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